Jewish Records Indexing - Poland
"Town Lists" are a compilation of town names appearing one or more times in the vital records of a number of towns
that have been indexed. Such mention of "other" towns occurs in the indices for most towns. When they do appear,
these town references indicate nearby villages where the event took place or, in the case of marriage or death records, the
place where an individual was born or previously lived.
This feature of Jewish Records Indexing - Poland provides a hint
to researchers as to other towns and villages where their families may have lived at one time and opens the door to research
of a wider area.
If you are interested in finding records for any town on the list (other than the town where the event was registered),
search the JRI-Poland database for the exact spelling appearing in
the town list. That is, some towns will be listed by their current names, others by their former names. In some cases, the
names of towns may have been misspelled.
Note on Town searches: Each Search Result table has a heading that
identifies that town as a Town of Registration, one where vital records were
registered. If you search for a town as the only search parameter, you will
only receive search results that list the name of that town in another
town's records. You will not receive results from its town of registration
records. If you search for a town in combination with another parameter and
use AND, such as surname or given name, you will receive results
from both the town of registration and from mentions of that town in another
town's records.
To get the greatest benefit from the information on the JRI-Poland website and the indices in the JRI-Poland database, we
recommend that you start your research at the home page.
For information on how to obtain records listed in the search results and learn more about JRI-Poland, please read the FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions) and other informative documents linked from the "Learn" section on the
JRI-Poland home page.
Note: Town lists may be posted in advance of the indices to the records of specific towns being added to the JRI-Poland
searchable database.
Your support for the data entry work to
make these indices available will be appreciated.